Thursday, December 13, 2012

The hits just keep on comin! Here's an interesting one. I first heard it on the amazing album 'Come Back Boys & Feed the Horses' by Christian Wig and Mark Ward. Mr. Wig plays it solo fiddle on the album.
My next encounter with the song was via the internet, Tim Rowell plays an excellent version and his website offers up a tab for the tune.
Tim mentions that he heard it on the Banjo Gathering album as played by Tom Sauber. Banjo Gathering is another astounding album, go get it!!!
Christian Wig plays it as 'Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine (Bonaparte's March)' whereas the other sources mentioned above call it 'Bell's March'.
What I've gathered from various sources is that the tune was originally published in Baltimore in the 1820s, and after being played for a time was made popular as 'Bell's March' by the Texas fiddler P.T. Bell, who named it 'Mace Bell's Civil War March' in honor of his father who served in the Confederate States of America during the war.
No matter what you call it, it's a beautiful tune. Here I've played it on the fretless banjo with nylgut strings, tuned eBEAB. 

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